Monday, December 5, 2011

Pimp My Waistline - The Abs, Fat Loss & Lean Muscle Workout DVD

Pimp My Waistline - The Abs, Fat Loss & Lean Muscle Workout DVD Review

Fat Loss, many strive for it, but few really understand it, losing just an inch can be troublesome for the vast majority for us, but never fear because this DVD has been created with the sole aim to teach you EVERYTHING you will ever need to know to achieve a Reduced Fat You! In effect we make you your own personal trainer and nutritionist.

This DVD not only gives you a Cardiovascular Program, Weights Routine and Nutrition Plan but it explains how these programs actually make the body lose fat. Basically there's never been a fitness DVD made like's educational not just instructional.

In this unique 90 minute DVD Ross covers everything you need to know not only on how to get the perfect set of abs but the "body" too. Ross does this in his own crazy way as himself and multiple personalities that will have you cracking up with laughter and get you set on your way to building a jaw-dropping physique like his.

The training section alone is massive covering: Cardio, bench press, inclined press, cable crossovers, dips, close grip bench press, triceps pushdowns, overhead press, lat raises, legs, abs, bicep curls, chin-ups, deadlifts, shrugs and so much more.

You also learn about hydrotherapy, saunas, ice baths and other crazy ways of getting your abs to come out and for you to be the "star" on any beach.

Pimp My Waistline is the DVD that is going to give you REAL results from your training. You will not keep your eyes off the screen! This product is manufactured on demand using DVD-R recordable media.'s standard return policy will apply.

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